Monday, July 20, 2009

Buying a House

Check out the house we are buying!!

So, this process of buying and selling a house, as you know, has been a complete nightmare! I cannot wait until I can move into our new house and not move again for at least 30 years (that is the plan anyway...) In fact, I am so excited to move in and the house is in such good condition that we aren't going to paint, or do any projects at all before we move in. We are even leaving the kitchen the beautiful mint green (the color most of the house is - I kind of like it).

Once I am back on my feet from surgery, it will be time to move in. I will post pictures as we move. Then, I really must get back to crafting. I am getting the itch for it.

1 comment:

  1. I like it! Looks like lots of room. And your mint green is very pretty! I need to get Eric over to that side. I have a feeling he'd like it alot.
