Monday, October 19, 2009

Flannel is my new best friend

A few reasons why:

1. Its SO soft
2. It doesn't ravel
3. It feels like a hug every time you put it on
4. Its SO soft


I bought this fabric last spring while in Portland with the idea of making a robe for colder temperatures and peering eyes through living windows. I severely underestimated the amount I'd need and found the fabric discontinued and out of stock by the time I realized that 3 1/2 yards was called for not 2 1/2. Oops. I'd like to think I'm a good improviser though. I double layered muslin and used a 13 1/2 strip on the bottom of each of the bottom pieces to get to the right length called for in the pattern. It was actually a pretty easy task. It would have been harder if I had no sewing experience since the pattern left out important information on clipping the curves on the placket and body. I can't imagine the frustration for someone who tried to complete this without the clipping. The pattern is from a book I've had but just hadn't sewn from yet, Amy Butler's In Stitches. The robe and I have become good friends. Its just what I need now that the morning's are getting a bit chilly.

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