Friday, March 5, 2010

Hunting for Glass

Being a farmer, we have many, many old barns and rundown outbuildings that are great for treasure hunting. I am particularly interested in any old glass bottles or jars that have special markings or just look cool. In my recent adventures, I went to a place we call "Joe's Shed" because Joe is Fred's brother, and Fred owned the land. This shed is 90% collapsed and is being held up by an oil barrel with a tire on top. Needless to say, I had to do a lot of crawling around to access the goods. I found the following items of glass during my hunt...I have washed them once, with intentions to continue washing until the dirt particles are gone. I need a pipe brush to get into the little one. I also found a piece of rusty equipment, which I intent to share in the near future. The photos aren't the best, it was hard for me to take the picture AND be able to decipher the imprints that are on them, but you get the idea!

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