Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boring window treatments

So we had this window in the craft room that had no covering and boy did it need it. I have had this fabric for a while...found it on clearance. It has a nice texture...looks heavy but isn't. So I just made some simple boring curtains with an extra poufy ruffle at the top. I boring, yet I have found since putting them up they really have grown on me! Now, the mini blinds were pure matching necessity. The window on the right that you can sort of see had blinds, but nothing on the other two. The best part about my mini blinds? I put them up all by myself. Who needs a husband!?!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. You did a nice job on those! I totally agree. Its much better to do it yourself!
