Monday, August 24, 2009

I appreciate privacy too

Remember this? My project? Here they are...


Kitchen curtains in all their glory! there are two windows in the kitchen, each with these pointless 1/2 shutters. Why pointless you ask? Because our neighbors all live above us. See...

Hiding from the neighbors

As I told the husband, I don't think the neighbors need to know what color your boxers are each day. This is a quilting weight cotton I found in the local quilt shop. I used some muslin I had on hand and sewed, basically, a pillow case. I ironed all the seams to make them crisp and ironed over each of the side edges towards the back and sewed a seam to make them appear professional from the outside. I like them. And....if I change my mind about adding trim the top hem where the cafe clips are is unfinished and it can be added in a snap.

side note: brushed nickel cafe clips are HARD to find! I finally found some stainless clips at at Bed Bath and Beyond for about $4 a package. This was after visiting 4-5 different stores with no luck.


  1. Love the fabric! Is that the color of the rest of your kitchen? I see the reason for necessity. That seems strange that the old tenants didn't find that to be a problem. I would guess for the brushed nickle clips, you would have to go to a specialty store. I bet you ben franklin in cheney would of had them!

  2. That's the color of the kitchen/dining room/living room since they are all one big room. The owners of the house used old windows that had fake stained glass in them hung in the empty space above the shutters.
